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2022 County Tax Auctions

The 2022 St. Lawrence County Tax Foreclosure Auction is scheduled to be held online with bids starting September 10th and closing on September 24th.  Auctions International, Inc. has a list of the parcels on their website for your reference.


All information regarding the auction and any updates will be noted on under St. Lawrence County Tax Foreclosed Real Estate Auction.  Anyone interested in the auction can print their own copies of the auction catalog from this website along with the bidder registration packet that will need to be sent to Auctions International and is required to be in their office by September 21, 2022.  The catalogs will be available online by August 23rd or earlier.  As a courtesy, Auctions International will mail one printed auction catalog to each town and village.  If your municipality would like more than one copy of the catalog sent, please contact Auctions International at (800) 536-1401.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the auction or where to refer inquiries, please feel free to contact me at (315) 379-2030.




Emily Wilson

Property Tax Law Enforcement Supervisor

Phone: (315) 379-2030

St. Lawrence County Treasurer’s Department

48 Court Street

Canton, NY 13617

Town of Hermon

109 Church Street

Hermon, NY 13652

Copyright 2022 Town of Hermon, NY 

Phone: (315) 347-3606

Fax: (315) 347-4547

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